A piano should fall on his head.

Just as there were calls by conservative loonies to remove Massachusetts Supreme Court Chief Justice Margaret Marshall and the three other “rogue judges” following their decision in November 2003 recognizing the right of same-sex couples to marry in Massachusetts, Dwyer has introduced a resolution to impeach Baltimore Circuit Judge M. Brooke Murdock for ruling in January that a Maryland law banning same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.
Dwyer claims that Murdock should be removed on the basis of “misbehavior in office, willful neglect of duty, and incompetency.” Someone needs to explain to Dwyer that a judge is not incompetent or guilty of a crime just because s/he makes a ruling with which he disagrees. Not surprisingly, the Maryland Bar Association has made it clear that there is no basis for impeachment here. Of course, Dwyer already knows that. But like all homophobic bigots, he’s pulling out all the stops and using every slick maneuver in his nasty little bag of tricks in an attempt to impose his narrow-minded, mean-spirited, and hate-filled agenda on the people of Maryland. It’s a sickness really. It’s a sickness—a kind of mental illness, I think—that prevents people like Dwyer from being embarrassed by such shameless displays of bigotry.
As for wishing that a piano fall on someone’s head, blame it on all the Wile E. Coyote & Road Runner cartoons I watched when I was a kid. And they say cartoon violence is harmless.
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