Putting the Fun in Fundy

With subtlety and humor, they were able to capture the central irony of the pseudo-hipster holy-rollers at Boston’s Reunion Christian Church; namely, that being considered progressive within the narrow world of evangelical Christianity does not a progressive make.
It really doesn’t matter how cool they dress, how rockin’ their Sunday morning worship is, or that they can appreciate the humor of the “Buddy Christ” in Dogma. Under all the superficial veneer of urban coolness, Reunion represents the same dogmatic “We’re right and everyone else is wrong (and hellbound)” variety of fundamentalism that regards other religions and worldviews as dangerous, soul-destroying lies. On a more personal note, their belief in the inherent sinfulness of erotic love between two people of the same sex (among their laundry list of sins) makes them, as far as I’m concerned, the ultimate Anticool.
It saddens me that some curious (and lonely) 20-somethings will be lured in by Reunion’s high-tech and laid-back approach. I’m optimistic, though, that their numbers will remain small and that the vast majority of young Bostonians will see right through their deceptive outward appearance and recognize that underneath it all, the only things separating these guys from uptight dickwads like Pat Robertson, James Dobson, and George W. Bush are their haircuts, eyebrow piercings, some laptops, and a couple of electric guitars.
Hey man, I stumbled across your blog about Reunion Church and had a couple questions. Maybe you've been and you know first hand about them, and if you do I apologize, but it sounds like you have a negative opinion about them because of how they view Homosexuality. Since you don't agree with them on this point you turn them into the bad guy and hope they fail. Now it appears they don't agree with your sexual preference, but do you think they would have a problem with you? Even if they did, aren't you being just as intolerant of them as you suspect they would be of you. That's what you call them the ultimate "anticool" for. I showed up to their church a couple times. I don't think they come of as "hipster" as the dig painted them, but they seem to be nice people. Not quite sure about them yet, but I definitely don't think they come off in the Dobson, Bush, holier than thou category either. Not saying you're wrong just curious to find out a little more of what you think.
hey, Aman...I have been going there for several weeks now, and wouldn't characterize the atmosphere as deceptive. They pretty much say who they are...have you been, or are you commenting from the article?
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